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WA Standalone: Create QA Order

Create QA samples for mandatory testing in Washington to send off to the lab, without any prior sub-lotting needed

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over 8 months ago

Generate QA samples effortlessly in GrowFlow. Simply initiate QA Samples directly from the Create New Order interface, then seamlessly send them to the lab via the sales order process.

Create QA Samples and QA Orders

1. Select New QA Sample from the Orders menu

2. In the Create New Order window, under Select a Customer, select the QA Lab to which you will send the samples for testing

3. Locate the material to send for testing, then enter the required sample size in grams or units in the Qty field


  • Check with your lab for the number of grams or units they require by traceability type and test type, or see our handy article on WA QA Testing Rules.

  • Only check the box in the NM column if you are sending for non-mandatory testing for R&D purposes. See our article on Non-Mandatory QA Samples.

4. Click Preview Order

5. Optionally enter any internal notes, a delivery date, sales user, or assign a brand while previewing the order. The sample size can be edited if needed, or click Back to Edit Order to remove or add samples. Once all details of the QA Order are confirmed, click ➕ Confirm New Order.

6. Progress the order into the Ready to Pack stage by clicking the green arrow

7. Click on the order to view the Pull Sheet. If needed, add more samples to the order by clicking Edit > Add Items or click Convert/Sublot and Pack All Items to proceed and progress the order to Ready to Label. Once packed, GrowFlow will sublot the grams or units into a new ID, which will then represent the QA Sample ID and the lab results.

8. Click on the printer icon to print and label the samples

In the Print # Label window, select the applicable label temple in your account for QA samples, then click Print.

Note: Choose from our selection of default labels for QA Samples. Select the appropriate label for Bulk Flower QA based on its weight, ensuring your lab is aware they have received the required number of grams. Additionally, choose from our four other default QA labels for alternative traceability types or non-mandatory testing.

9. When labeling is complete, click Mark Sales Order as Labeled

10. Then, click Select Delivery Options (Manifest) to fill in the delivery details and generate the CCRS Manifest for transfer

GrowFlow will automatically submit the manifest .CSV on your behalf to CCRS. When the submission is complete, the LCB assigned manifest ID and a copy of the CCRS Manifest will populate.

See CCRS Manifesting for more information.

11. Print the CCRS Manifest to accompany the samples during transit. When the samples leave the facility, put the order In Transit by clicking Click to Transfer Order.

What Happens Next...

The inventory ID from which the samples were taken will display a yellow Pending button. This button serves as your access point to enter the lab results once they are received. When testing is complete, the lab will upload the results to CCRS and also send the certificate (COA).

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