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LIVE Marketplace: Preparing and Setting Up Your Stores
LIVE Marketplace: Preparing and Setting Up Your Stores

Store Settings, Sellable Rooms, and Product Preparation!

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over 3 months ago

In this article, you will learn how to create a new store in the LIVE Marketplace and add, edit, and manage your store settings. Additionally, we'll cover the Rooms tab functionality to get you on your way with setting up sellable inventory and preparing your products!

Store Setup Settings

1. On your drop-down Admin menu, click Store Setup

Welcome to your store setup!

A. An initial store is created automatically for your GrowFlow account and will appear in the list in the Now Showing field on this page. You can add as many individual storefronts as you like by clicking Create New Store. This allows you to have different stores and control which stores your buyers have access to based on their license type or their product or brand preferences.

Check out our article on the Multiple Stores Feature for more information.

B. Select a store under Now Showing, then click the Settings tab to enter all of the store details listed below.

C. Store Name: This could be your business name, another trade name, or your brand name. The choice is yours!

D. Phone Number: We suggest this is the sales manager's contact number or any main contact number regarding orders.

E. Email: You can list one or more email addresses, separated by commas, in the email input field. This comes in handy when you have multiple salespeople assigned to one store. Alternatively, you can enter one main email address here but also check the Sales User Override box.

F. Sales User Override: If you have assigned certain salespeople to individual vendors, checking this box means the buyer will see the assigned person's contact information when they view the store. The salesperson will also receive email notifications for the vendor's incoming Order Requests.

Assigning a sales user to a vendor can be done in the Vendors Overview in your account.

G. Show Status Filter: Checking this box will allow you to set product statuses as Available or Backorder and will allow your buyers to filter by each status on your storefront.

Note: This is not an automatic setting in your Store Setup. Click here to learn more about using the Show Status Filter and if you'd like this enabled in your account, please reach out to chat support to request this feature.

H. About Store: Add a compelling description of your store and brand! You can also include your phone number and any special information you want your buyers to know when they are placing orders.

I. Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: Add your social media links.

J. Upload Logo: The logo you upload here will be visible to the buyers when they are scrolling through the list of stores they already have access to, or the list of locked stores they can request access to.

K. Minimum Order Value: Setting a minimum order value will prevent any buyer from placing an order of any value lower than what you set as the minimum. If their order doesn't yet meet the minimum, they'll get a message on the screen when they view their cart to tell them the amount of the shortfall.

For more information about this process check out How to Set Minimum Order Value.

L. Select a Store Type for Buyers to see: The default setting is Open, which allows all buyers in the LIVE Marketplace – Retail, Producer, or Processor – to instantly see and buy from your store.

Note: If you want to keep your generic wholesale prices private, choose Needs Approval or Private.

To learn more about Store Types see LIVE Marketplace: Store Types.

M. Finally, Save! Click Save and your new store is ready to add products and inventory!


N. Click Go To Live Store to view your store from a buyer’s perspective.

Note: If this is your first time clicking Go To Live Store you will first be prompted to fill out a form, entering your first and last name, state, and one of your license numbers to register yourself for access. Once you've completed the form, you will have access to all stores tied to your account moving forward.

O. Disable Store: You can disable your store at any time. Once you click Disable Store, you will be asked if you want to delete the store permanently.

Warning: Disabling a store permanently deletes the store and can't be undone. To temporarily hide your store from all buyers, enable the Hidden Store Type.

Sellable Rooms

In order to have in-stock inventory contribute to the available quantities visible to your buyers, you will need to organize your inventory stock by Room. Rooms can be added to your account via Admin > Room.

  • Note: We recommend creating designated rooms for your store inventory so that you can track and organize your sellable stock. The naming conventions of your sellable rooms can be specific to store, brand, or product name or even as simple as “LIVE Marketplace” or “For Sale”. The Room Type can be Inventory or Plant depending on what you sell but the Room Purpose must be set as Standard.

1. Navigate back to your store(s) via Admin > Store Setup.

2. On your Store Admin page, choose the store you would like to assign Rooms as sellable in and head to the Rooms tab.

3. Use the search bar to locate the rooms you’d like to mark as sellable.

  • Note: If this store is for producers and sells plants to growers, use Show Plant Rooms to toggle the room view.

4. From here, you will make rooms visible to the chosen store by clicking the Sellable? checkbox for each.

5. Move inventory into the Sellable Rooms: Now that your Rooms are marked as sellable on your Store Setup page, any inventory that is put into these selected Rooms will be eligible to become available on the menu, or available as a source to show additional units that you haven't yet packaged.

6. From the Inventory Overview, locate and select the sellable inventory intended for your store and click Move.

7. From the popup window, select the room you marked as sellable in your Store Setup and click Move Items.

Voila! Your inventory is now ready to source products in your store!

Product Preparation

1. Create or Edit the products you'd like to sell in your store.

  • Check out the How-To Guide to the Product Creator to learn more.

  • Note: Keeping an organized Product Catalog will help to ensure your products are not only sourced correctly but displayed neatly in your store as well. When creating products, it's important that your product names don't contain the size (weight) of the individual product. Instead, utilize the Size checkboxes for this when creating or editing products. This will allow products that share the same brand + category + strain + product name + attributes to be displayed in one tile to the buyer, listed in their various sizes. See the image below as an example:

  • Note: If you are selling edibles, including the total mg in the product name for an edible is recommended to distinguish the total in the package from a single serving package size.

2. Assigning a Vendor Pricing Group to your buyers will also apply in the LIVE Marketplace! If your store offers products that have specific prices assigned to a pricing group, the applicable prices will display to any buyer that has that pricing group assigned to the vendor.

  • To learn how to create and manage Vendor Pricing Groups click here!

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