Orders Overview
1. The Orders Overview is the default landing page when first logging into GrowFlow Wholesale. From anywhere in the application, access the Orders Overview by clicking on the Orders tab in the navigation bar of your account, or clicking Orders > Overview.
2. The Orders tab in the navigation bar and the blue ➕New button offer the direct options to:
Create a new order
Create a new Pre-Order
Create a new QA sample and Lab Transfer
Not currently available for Oklahoma users. See OK Metrc Workaround.
Access Sales History
Access pending Inbound Orders and Inbound Order history
See How to Create a Sales Order for more information on the order workflows
3. Upon entering the Orders Overview, you will notice a Kanban-style workflow from left to right. New Orders will populate in the left-hand Orders column and move through each column as they progress through the different order stages. The columns on this page depend on your state-mandated traceability system. Please refer to your applicable jurisdiction below.
BioTrack, Washington, & Standalone States
Metrc States
4. Use the search bar to search by order numbers or filter by:
Vendor: Select from a list of customers that currently have an order placed in your account
License Type: Select from a list of license types that currently have an order placed in your account
Users: Select from sales users that are currently assigned to orders placed in your account
Order Type: Select from order types that are currently placed in your account
5. The blue total box will display the total for orders not yet transferred, deleted, or refunded
List View
6. Click List View to view your orders in a list-formatted view
The List View offers the order number, customer name and license number, order type and stage, invoiced date, invoice total, and order status. If assigned to the order, the columns will also display the sales user, scheduled delivery date, and invoice due date. If an order is manifested, it will display the stop number of the order on the manifest.
A. Click on the information icon in the Details column to view or edit the Order Quick View. This icon appears in green if the order has an internal note for your team's review.
B. Click on an Order # to open an individual order
C. Double-click on any column header to sort the list view alphanumerically based on that specific column
D. Click on the blue arrow in the Action column to move the order to the next stage. If the icon is greyed out, the order is not applicable to be moved.
The List View also offers the ability to print or export combined Pull Sheets from the Print/Share drop-down.
See Combined Pull Sheets for more information
Within Print/Share, you can also print labels in bulk for multiple orders at once.
See Bulk Print Labels for Orders for more information
Note: Bulk Print is also available in Print/Share from the Orders Board View. Click Board View to return to the Kanban-style workflow.
7. Click History for quick access to your Sales History
See Sales History Overview for more information
Order Tiles
As orders are placed and progress through the order stages, they are identifiable by individual order tiles in their applicable order stage column. Click on an order tile to open an individual order. Each order tile displays:
Customer's name, city, and license number
Order number
Invoice total
If assigned, the sales user
If created as a Pre-Order, the order will have a PreOrder banner
If placed in your LIVE Marketplace store, the order will have an Order Request banner
Click on the information icon in the left-hand corner of each tile to view the order's details. This icon appears in green if the order has an internal note for your team's review.
Click on the green arrow in the right-hand corner of a tile to quickly progress the order to the next stage
After an order is manifested, each order tile will display:
The Manifest ID
The manifest stop number
The time the order is scheduled for transfer
Once an order is In Transit:
An order will display a Partial Returns banner if items were rejected at delivery and processed as rejected in BioTrack, Metrc, or as a GrowFlow-to-GrowFlow rejection. Action must be taken to process the rejections back into your account.
Click the Set Close button if you have completed processing the rejections
Click the Set Received button to close an order if you have confirmed it's been accepted.
When orders are accepted by the receiver for GrowFlow-to-GrowFlow transfers or in Metrc and BioTrack, the order will be automatically closed from the In Transit column and marked as Delivered on Sales History.
Tip: Be sure to keep up with processing rejections and setting orders as Closed and Received from the In Transit column as you confirm orders are completed. The Orders Overview only has the capacity to hold 1000 orders at a time. Once the maximum is reached, orders in the In Transit column will be removed as you receive and create new orders, or new orders in any stage will not populate on the Overview.