Washington: Have a WCIA JSON link to upload your results with? See Upload Mandatory Test Results with a WCIA Link
Option A: Lab Result is Pending
I. Head to the Inventory > Overview or Admin > QA Samples and click on the yellow Pending button on your tested inventory:
Inventory Overview:
Admin > QA Samples:
II. Follow the steps to upload your QA results:
1. Click Pending then select Pass
Note: If a test fails, select the "Fail" status. For information on retesting eligible lots, please refer to the LCB's page about the QA retesting process.
2. Click Upload Certificate to upload the PDF certificate of your lab results (COA)
Note: Click the Supplemental Certificate button to upload any additional PDF files.
3. Type in the cannabinoid values (% and/or mg/g) as shown on your COA.
Note: Total THC, Total CBD, and QA Total are calculated automatically using the entered percent (%) values for THC, THCA, CBD, and CBDA only.
4. Click Save QA Results to save your changes
WA now requires a Sample Collection Date on all COAs. We automatically set this to the date the sample was created in your account, but you can edit it if needed. This information is then sent to the lab through the WCIA links to be printed on your COAs.
Check the Medical box if your QA result has passed DOH Medical testing.
Check the Expired box if a QA result has expired.
Option B: The Item was not Sent for Testing From my Account
This option is also applicable if you need to create a new QA sample for any other reason.
I. On the Inventory Overview, hover over ID and click the clipboard icon to copy the full ID to your clipboard:
II. Go to Admin > QA Samples and click the New Result button:
III. Fill in the required fields:
1. Paste the full parent ID under Parent ID #
2. Enter the full QA sample ID as shown on the COA, or check I don't have one to generate a new QA sample ID
3. Click Create Result to finish
IV. Click Pending, then see the steps 1-4 in Option A to upload your results:
Watch the video of this whole process (Options A & B above):
Option C: The item was Sent for Testing from my Account, but is not Pending
If you have an item that already has a QA sample on Admin > QA Samples or was made from another tested item but lost the QA results, copy the QA sample ID and use
Modify > Special to apply the QA result:
See WA Standalone: Applying QA Results to Inventory for these detailed steps.