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Wholesale: Create Your Own Custom Labels
Wholesale: Create Your Own Custom Labels

GrowFlow Wholesale's super easy-to-use label editor will have you printing custom labels in no time!

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a year ago

Updated 9/26/2022

GrowFlow's label editor allows you to create and adjust labels on the fly for use across GrowFlow. The editor lets you dynamically code variable details like the item's ID, strain name, product name, and so forth that will print uniquely for each item.

Let's look at how to create and edit a label and get printing!

Part I: Create a new label

Let's go to Admin > Labels/Templates which takes us to the Label Templates tab:

Add or copy a new label

1. To start a new label, we can either click Copy on a GrowFlow default label to customize our own, or click + Add New Custom Label to start from scratch:

2. When we start a new label, we can give it a name on the left and set our Label Type:

The Label Type will determine where in GrowFlow you can use the label:

  • Plant: Used for tagging Vegging and Flowering plants on the Grow pages (not for Clones and Seeds!)

  • Inventory: Used for labeling items on the Inventory page and Clones and Seeds

  • Retail: Used for labeling items currently packed on an order (any order type)

  • Batch: Used on the Inventory>Batches page

  • Disposal: Used in any Waste module

  • Employee Sample: Used in the Inventory>Other>Employee Sample module

  • Order Header: A single label that can be customized to show order details (vendor name, order number, etc.) that precedes all other order labels

  • Order Header Item: A label that can be customized to show order details and precedes each unique item being printed

  • Employee Badge Label: Used on the Admin>Employees page

3. Once we select a Label Type, we then have the option to select an Inventory Type and check the Primary box to make this label default for a certain inventory type

Click Save to save these settings:

Part II: Editor

Now to customizing! Let's go to the Editor:

Let's look at each tab on the left of the editor:

A. Canvas

On the Canvas tab, you can name the label and change the label type as well as set the label dimensions

  • Warning! Before you make too much progress, click Save to save your changes as we will not save your changes automatically!

B. Sections

Under Sections, we can add text boxes and images to the label using the buttons on the left.

Click Add New Text to add a new text box then click in the text editor box at the top of the page to enter text into the selected text box. You can use Rotate, Dimensions, Padding, Border, Border Color, and Section Color to transform the selected text box:

Format the text within the selected text box using the formatting icons above the text editor, such as font, font size, text alignment, and text color:

Dynamic Fields

Let's say we want to code a label to show the strain name for each item being printed. We will use Dynamic Fields to code this into the label. Click on your text box, then click into the text editor to see the + Dynamic Field button appear on the right. Click it to open the menu:

Keyword search in the search bar at the top of the menu to locate a Dynamic Field, then click on it to add it to the text box:

You can also type a field directly into the text editor enclosed by two pairs of curly brackets, such as {{StrainName}}. Note that Dynamic Fields are pre-coded (you cannot create your own) and they are case-sensitive.

Jump to Preview Label to test the look of the Dynamic Field. Now, let's move on to the next section, Barcodes.

C. Barcode

On the Barcode tab, click to add either a barcode or a square QR code. Click and drag the barcode control points to resize the barcode. To remove the barcode, click on it and hit your Backspace key:

Barcodes (traditional)

Scrolling down the left menu, we see more options to transform the selected barcode:

  • Bar Width manually sets the dots per inch which can improve scannability when set larger than 1

  • Bar Alignment sets the barcode alignment left, right, centered, or justified

  • Code (Text) Alignment sets the alignment of the text below the barcode (is set to item ID by default)

  • Field (Text) codes the text below the barcode to a value other than the item ID

QR Codes

We have slightly different options to transform a QR code, including encoding your own URL link:

  • Hide Quiet Space Id when checked will remove the default whitespace outlining the QR square and match the printed dimensions to what is shown in the editor. Note that QR codes require sufficient white space around the square to scan properly.

  • QR Code Levels set the level of information that can be stored in the QR code

  • QR Hard Coded Value lets you paste your own value in the QR code, such as a URL to your website!

See Applying COAs to QR Codes to learn how to tie your lab certificates to QR codes on labels.

D. Background

Set a background image for the entire label (cannot be resized) or set a Background Color. Click Remove Image to remove the background image:

E. Upload

Upload new images to your library by clicking Upload New Image or clicking an image to add it to the label. These images can be repositioned and resized by clicking and dragging the corners of the image:

To delete an image, click on it and hit your Backspace key.

Preview Label

Now we're ready to see the finished product! ✨

Click Save again for good measure, then we can click Preview to see an example of this label. GrowFlow will automatically find an item to preview with, or you can paste an ID applicable to this label type in the Enter ID to Preview box:

Wow! You're a GrowFlow Label Wiz!

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