Updated 04/12/2023
Set up dynamic fields for easy printing and labeling! Labels are a beast of their own when there's a lot of information to add according to the regulations. GrowFlow provides Dynamic Fields to use so you don't have to alter every label to fit the needs of every package.
Available Dynamic Fields
Available dynamic fields can be found in a list to the right of the text box. Just click on the ➕ next to the Dynamic Field to insert. You can select from the list, or start typing what you're looking for in the search bar to narrow it down.
Not sure what a dynamic field means? Use your mouse in the list to hover to see a tooltip that helps to explain what it is.
Once you've added the dynamic field, the canvas will generate a preview that shows what it will look like in real time.
Tips and Tricks
Casing & Formatting
Want your strain name to be in all uppercase? Or want your processed date to be in a MM/YY format instead? Once you've added a dynamic field to the text box, type in these special inserts below to get them formatted to print in a way that suits you.
Date Addition: {{ProcessedDate[add_days=365]}}
Date Format: {{ProcessedDate[format=MM/yy]}}
Decimal Places Round: {{Available[round=2]}}
Text Title Case: {{StrainName[to_title_case=1]}}
Text Lower Case: {{StrainName[to_lower=1]}}
Text Upper Case: {{StrainName[to_upper=1]}}
First 'n' characters: {{StrainName[slice=4]}}
Last 'n' characters: {{StrainName[splice=4]}}
Sample Text
{{SampleText[Vendor Sample Text]}}
{{ESampleText[Edu. Sample Text]}}
{{QASampleText[QA Sample Text]}}
Custom Fields
Custom Field 1: {{CF1}}
Custom Field 2: {{CF2}}
Custom Field 3: {{CF3}}
Custom Field 4: {{CF4}}
Custom Field 5: {{CF5}}
Custom Fields are available by clicking on a QA Result and entering the custom data into one of the five custom fields, in the Custom tab.
If your buyers are interested in terpenes, or you're in a state that requires them like Nevada, you can even add these to labels!
{{TopTerpene1Label}} {{TopTerpene1Value}}%
{{TopTerpene2Label}} {{TopTerpene2Value}}%
{{TopTerpene3Label}} {{TopTerpene3Value}}%
Attribute dynamic fields are specific to the name given to each Attribute in your account. The dynamic field starts with "Attribute", then follows a period, then follows the name of your Attribute, with only the first letters capitalized.
For an Attribute named "Flavor", the dynamic field would be {{Attribute.Flavor}}.
For an Attribute named "Flavor Profile", the dynamic field would be {{Attribute.Flavorprofile}}.