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Metrc: Processing Jobs

Learn to set up Processing Job types to execute Production Batch processing and packaging for Wholesale users in Montana, Nevada, and Oregon

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Metrc implemented Processing Jobs for Wholesale licensees in Montana, Nevada, and Oregon, replacing the Production Batch Packaging process. This workflow does not apply to Oklahoma states. With GrowFlow's functionality, multiple packages can now be created simultaneously from the same inputs.

Processing Jobs Overview

The Processing Jobs page is your centralized hub for creating, managing, and completing Processing Jobs. Here, you can also access finished or unfinished Processing Jobs effortlessly.

In the navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Processing Jobs from the drop-down.

From this page, you can establish and oversee your Processing Job Types, essential for initiating Processing Jobs. Once you start creating Processing Jobs, you can view and track them using:

1. Search bar

2. Date, Job Type, and Employee Filters

3. Active Tab: Unfinished Processing Jobs

4. Inactive Tab: Finished Processing Jobs

5. Export to .CSV

Keep reading to learn the step-by-step process for accomplishing these tasks.

Note: Before performing any Processing Jobs in GrowFlow, please ensure that the Processing Job Types permissions are enabled in Metrc for the Admin user and any users performing processing jobs.

Processing Job Types

Creating Job Types

Before executing a Processing Job, it's essential to create Processing Job Types. These Types are created with Categories and Attributes defined by your state in Metrc and describe what type of Processing Job is being conducted in the facility.

1. Click Manage Processing Job Types

2. Click ➕ Add Job Type

3. Enter a name for the Processing Job that accurately describes the type of job being conducted

4. Select a Category from the drop-down

5. Enter a description

6. Enter the steps you're taking to conduct this Processing Job at your facility

7. Select the Attributes that apply to the Job Type

8. Finish by clicking ✔️ Create Job Type


  • Category and Attribute options are defined by your state in Metrc and synced into GrowFlow.

  • Job Types can have many Attributes selected.

  • The Description and Processing Steps fields are dynamic. Click on the bottom right corner to drag and drop the text fields to enlarge them for additional space if needed.

Job Type Details

1. Click on a Processing Job Type Name to view the Job Type's details

2. Along with the Job Type's details, utilize the tabs to view:

  • Active Jobs: Unfinished Processing Jobs of the selected Job Type

  • Inactive Jobs: Finished Processing Jobs of the selected Job Type

  • Change Log: A log of adjustments made to the Job Type

3. To edit the Description, click on the edit icon

Editing Job Types

After creating a Processing Job Type, it will be added to the table. You can edit the name, category description, and processing steps. However, once a job type has been utilized for a Processing Job, only the description is editable.

1. Click edit on the line item

2. The editable fields will then become available. Once the changes have been made, click save to apply them.

Note: Metrc does not allow updating the description through the API.

  • If a description update is made in GrowFlow, it will only appear in GrowFlow.

  • If a description update is made in Metrc, it will only appear in Metrc.

Deleting Job Types

1. To delete multiple Job Types, select each Job Type, then click ✖ Del

2. To delete a single Job Type, click the Del button on its line item

Additional Details

1. Use the search bar or filter by Category and/or Attribute to view specific Job Types

2. Click Export to download your list of Job Types to CSV. Note that the export will only include the Job Types with the page filters applied at that time.

3. Click〱Back to return to the Processing Jobs Overview

Starting Processing Jobs

Once a Job Type has been created, you can create a Processing Job in GrowFlow and designate when a Processing Job has started at your facility.

1. Return to the Processing Jobs page

2. Click Start Job

3. Choose the Processing Job Type from your list of previously created Job Types under What job type are we starting?

4. Enter a custom name for the Processing Job, or click Use Job Type to allow GrowFlow to automatically generate a unique name using the Job Type Name and Today's Date

5. Select the Employee who is performing the Processing Job at your facility


  • Assigning an Employee allows you to track which employees are responsible for each Processing Job performed at your facility. This feature is exclusive to GrowFlow and does not sync to Metrc.

  • If the Employee is not listed in this drop-down, navigate to Admin > Employees to add them to your account.

6. Use the search bar or filters to locate the source packages being used for the Processing Job. Then, enter the Qty to use or select All if utilizing the full quantity of the package.

7. Click on the date below Start Date to edit the start date and time of the Processing Job if needed

8. Click Preview Processing Job

9. When the details of the Processing Job have been previewed, finish by clicking Confirm. Or click Back to Create if any changes are needed.

10. Once created, the Processing Job will appear in the Active tab with its Metrc Job No. assigned.

Adjusting Processing Jobs

Note: Processing Job adjustments can only be performed before inventory packages have been created from the Processing Job.

1. Click ➕ to view the inputs of the source packages used to create the Processing Job. If any adjustments are necessary, click Adjust.

2. The inventory table will automatically pre-select source packages and fill in the amount currently being used in the Processing job. If additional material is required for this Processing Job, locate and select the necessary source packages.

3. Adjust any quantities necessary in the New Qty fields

4. Select a reason for the adjustment

5. Enter an explanation for the adjustment

6. Scroll down in the window to modify the Adjust Date if needed

7. Click Preview Adjustment

8. From here, you can edit the Employee assigned to the Processing Job or the Adjust Date. If further adjustments are needed, click Back to Adjust, or complete the adjustment by clicking Confirm.

Processing Job Details

1. Click on a Processing Job Name to view its details

2. The Processing Job Details include:

  • Job Name

  • Metrc Job Number

  • Processing Job Type

  • Start, adjust, and finish dates and the time to complete

  • Total count, volume, or weight produced

3. Option to assign or edit the Employee responsible for the Processing Job

4. In the Related Inventory tab, view the Source Inventory used when starting the Processing Job and the Child Inventory created as Production Batches from the Processing Job

5. View the Change Log tab for a log of adjustments made to the Processing Job

Creating Packages from Processing Jobs

When creating Production Batches from Processing Jobs, you can easily generate multiple packages of different products or create packages from multiple processing jobs within the same screen with just a few clicks.

Note: This process of creating Production Batches is only applicable to users in Montana, Nevada, and Oregon. If you are a Metrc user in another state, please refer to Metrc: Package Bulk & Pre-Packaged Inventory.

1. Return to the Processing Jobs page

2. Click Create Packages

Or, locate and select the Processing Job(s) from which to create the package(s) and click Create Packages.

3. Select which Processing Job to package from

Note: If Processing Jobs are pre-selected before clicking Create Packages, the Processing Jobs will be auto-filled here. Continue with steps 4-5 for each Package you are creating.

4. Under What are we making? Select the applicable traceability type

5. Under What kind? Select the applicable Product or Product Template

Note: If a Product Template is selected, also select the applicable strain.

6. Enter the total weight produced

7. Enter a Production Batch Name

8. Select a Room for the package

9. Optionally, enter a note

10. Edit the Birth Date if necessary

11. To create multiple packages at once from this screen, click ➕ New Package and repeat the above steps 3-10 for each package

12. Confirm the next Metrc tags to use for each package

13. Once all packages to be created have been entered, click Preview Packages

14. Review each package's details, then finalize by clicking Confirm. If edits need to be made or additional packages need to be entered, click Back to Create.

15. Confirm the Metrc tags and finish by clicking Yes, they're correct

Once completed, you will be redirected back to the Processing Jobs page with a confirmation message.

Finishing Processing Jobs

1. When Processing Jobs have been completed at your facility, locate and select them in the Active tab

2. Then, click Finish Job

3. If necessary, click on the dates in the Finish Date column to apply the correct date the Processing Job was completed at your facility

4. Enter the Waste Weight and Waste unit of measure for each Processing Job

5. Click Preview Finish

6. Review the details and enter a note. A note is required and will sync to Metrc when reporting the job as finished.

7. Finish the Processing Job by clicking Confirm

8. Once finished, the Jobs will be relocated to the Inactive tab

Unfinishing Processing Jobs

1. To return finished Processing Jobs to unfinished and active, locate and select them in the Inactive tab

2. Then, click Unfinish Job

3. Review the details for the Jobs selected, then click Confirm

4. Once unfinished, the Jobs will be relocated to the Active tab

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