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Wholesale: Employees & Vehicles
Wholesale: Employees & Vehicles

How to add employees as drivers and delivery vehicles to GrowFlow Wholesale

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a week ago

Updated 9/7/23

How to add an employee and their vehicle to your list of drivers for selection when manifesting an outbound order or when recording internal employee product samples.

Add Vehicles

Add the employee's vehicle first if they will be making deliveries.

1. Go to Admin > Vehicles and click the +Add New Vehicle button:

2. Fill out all fields, described below:

A. Nick Name: The name to appear for this vehicle in your vehicle drop-down to make it easy to recognize, such as "John's Car"

B. Color: The color of the vehicle

C. Make: The manufacturer of the vehicle

D. Model: The model name of the vehicle

E. Year: The year the vehicle was made

F. Plate #: The license plate number

G. Vin: The vin number for the vehicle

3. Click Save to finish

Add Employees

1. Go to the Admin > Employees page:

2. Click the +Add button on the far right to add a new employee:

3. Fill out all fields described below:

A. Employee #: Set a custom employee ID number or leave blank and GrowFlow will generate one

Metrc users in Oklahoma: Jump to the Oklahoma Metrc Employees section for special steps on adding the Transporter Agent License Number, instead of an employee number.

B. Email: Enter the employee's email

C. First Name: Employee’s first name

D. Last Name: Employee’s last name

E. Date of Birth: Employee’s birthday. Use XX/XX/XXXX format for the date

F. Date of Hire: The hire date for this employee. Use XX/XX/XXXX format for the date

G. Phone Number: Employee’s phone number

H. Vehicle: Employee's vehicle

If the vehicle is not already created, see Add Vehicles in the section above.

I. Driver's License: Employee's driver's license number as listed on their state driver's license ID

4. Click Save to finish

Oklahoma Metrc Employees

For Metrc users in Oklahoma, add the Traceability Employee ID number, also known as the Transporter Agent License Number, on the far right. This ensures the unique Traceability Employee ID number is displayed on the Metrc manifest as well as their state Driver's License Number when making a delivery:

Locate the employee's Traceability Employee ID number in Metrc on the

Admin > Transportation page under the Employee ID column:

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