Updated 08/24/2022
All the hard work is about to pay off! Now that you have grown and groomed your plants to their peak of delicious, stickiness, it is time to harvest! Follow these simple steps to track your harvest from plant to harvest batch.
Note: All harvests must be strain specific!
A. Select your room or batch of flowering plants that you would like to harvest from your Flower Column
B. In the Harvest window, first confirm that the IDs of the Plants you are harvesting match those selected on the screen
Note: When you select your batch to harvest, all plants will be selected automatically.
C. Next, fill in the following fields:
Enter in the total wet weight for your harvest. GrowFlow will automatically divide your wet weight by equal weights per plant. Alternatively, you can enter each wet weight individually by the ID number below.
You can choose to enter a unique Harvest Batch Name. The system will automatically assign a name if you choose not to.
Enter in any waste weight that was collected separately during your harvest. This waste weight will not be taken out of your total wet weight entered.
Select a drying room for your harvest batch
Note: Check the "Manicure" box to partially harvest your plants and keep them in the Flower stage until you are ready to enter the remaining wet weights.
See How to Perform a Partial Harvest for more details.
D. Once you have all of your details in the Harvest Dialog box, click "Harvest # Plants":
E. Your harvest will now show up in the Harvest Batches column as a Harvest Batch. Plants in harvests batches will no longer be tracked by their individual IDs
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