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Wholesale: Dashboard Reports

A walkthrough of the Dashboard Reports in GrowFlow Wholesale

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a week ago


1. Access the Dashboard by clicking the Dashboard tab in the top-left

2. Upon entering the Dashboard, you will find a quick view of:

  • MTD Sales: Total sales over the last month to date

  • Last Month Sales: Total sales from the month prior to the current month

  • YTD Sales: Total sales over the previous year to date

  • Pending Sales: Total sales on orders not yet transferred

  • Flower Weight: Available Flower Lot weight in your active inventory list

  • Active Plants: Number of active growing plants in Veg or Flower

  • Wet Weight: Wet weight from curing plants

3. Scroll down to view interactive reports for:

  • Vegging, flowering, and drying Plant counts by strain

  • Top Vendors: Select 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90-day count

  • Available Flower Lots by strain

  • Sales by traceability type by month

  • Available drying flower, bulk flower, lotted flower, and tested flower weight by strain

  • Gross sales reported by month

  • Total sales by product and units sold

  • Weekly sales by vendor

  • Weekly sales by traceability type

  • Weekly harvest dry weights

Hover over the statistics to drill into the data.


Reports are generated as a tool to see how your products and inventory are selling or for auditing purposes. Click on the Reports tab within the Dashboard or Dashboard > Reports from anywhere in your account to access.

Note: The reports available in your account are based on workflows related to your license type and state. If you do not see a report in your account that is mentioned below, the report is not applicable to your license type or state.

Double-click on any column header when viewing any report to sort the reports alphanumerically based on that specific column.

Click on the blue Export button when viewing any report to download a .csv file for use outside of GrowFlow. Note that the file will be exported with any filters, search criteria, and column sorting applied.


The Sales tab offers comprehensive reports for:

  • Transfers: Each item transferred on an order

  • Transfers by Order: Each order transferred from your account

  • Inbound Transfers: Each order received in your account

  • Sales by Product: A breakdown of each product sold

  • Returns: Items returned to you on an Inbound Transfer

  • Sales by Type/Vendor: Total sales by receiving license type, receiving vendor, or traceability type

  • Sales by Type: Total sales by traceability type

  • Sales by City in your state

  • Sales by Person: Sales by sales user assigned to each order in your account

  • Refunded Sales

Utilize the search bar to narrow the report results. Depending on the Sales Report you are viewing, you will have the option to filter the report by:

  • Date Range

  • License type

  • Vendor

  • Strain

  • Products

  • Traceability type

  • Usable Weight

  • Price

  • City

  • Sales User


The Grow tab offers comprehensive reports for:

  • Plants: Active plant counts in veg, flower, and drying by strain

  • Derivatives

  • Yield stats: First and last harvest date, total and average wet and dry weights by strain

  • Flower Weights: Total drying, bulk flower, lotted flower, and test flower weights by strain

Utilize the search bar to narrow the report results. Depending on the Grow Report you are viewing, you will have the option to filter the report by:

  • Date Range

  • Strain

  • Room

  • Traceability type


A breakdown of reports based on educational and vendor samples, or employee samples created in or transferred from your account.


The Changes tab offers comprehensive reports for:

  • Destruction: Plant or Inventory waste scheduled for destruction in your Waste Logs

  • Disposals: Plant or Inventory waste disposed of from your account

  • Inventory Adjust: Adjustments made to the remaining quantities of inventory items

  • Daily Plant Waste: A record of your daily plant waste collection entries

  • Plant Batch Waste: A record of your plant batch waste

Utilize the search bar to narrow the report results or use the date filter to view the report within a specific date range.


The Sales tab offers a comprehensive breakdown of your total sales of pre-packaged products by package size and GrowFlow Categories. Filter by Vendor to narrow the report results or use the date filter to view the report within a specific date range.

OMMA Compliance

A Monthend summary is offered for Oklahoma users only. As Metrc is now the state-mandated traceability system in Oklahoma, this feature is no longer supported by GrowFlow.

Note: It is your responsibility to validate all data for accuracy before submitting reports to OMMA. This report cannot account for data entry errors or changes to product weights, counts, unit of measure, or adjustments after the end of the reporting period. Note that this report uses a standardized conversion formula for grams to pounds as follows: [Total lbs] = [grams] * 0.0022046.

Tip: To view past OMMA summaries, append the date in the format “YYYY-MM-01" to the end of the OMMA summary page URL to get that month’s summary.

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