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Standalone: Applying QA Results to Inventory Packages
Standalone: Applying QA Results to Inventory Packages

Apply existing QA Results to packages in your inventory in GrowFlow Standalone Wholesale

Jesse Osborne avatar
Written by Jesse Osborne
Updated over a week ago

Updated as of 01/21/2022

If you have a package in your inventory that needs to have an existing QA result applied to it, you can follow these steps! This will allow you to apply one QA result to multiple child packages in your inventory after you have added or received a new result.

1. Navigate to the Admin tab in your GrowFlow account and click the “QA Samples” option from the drop-down menu.

2. Locate the result you would like to apply to your inventory package.

3. Hover over the Sample ID with your cursor and click the small, grey, clipboard icon. This will copy the QA Result’s Sample ID to your clipboard to be pasted later.

4. Next, navigate to your Inventory Overview to locate the package you would like to apply this result on. You can use any filters and/or the search bar to locate the correct package quickly!

5. Once you have found the correct package, check the box to the right of the line item to select that package.

6. Then, click on the blue “Modify” button that is located above the “Options” column. This will open up the modify tool for this package.

7. Once in the Modify tool, you will click on the right-hand radio button named “Special”, where we can either assign or remove lab results

8. Finally, you can right-click on the “Assign Lab Result to Inventory” field and paste your QA Result’s Sample ID into it! Finish by clicking “Modify Inventory” and your QA Results will be applied to that package.

Nice work! Now you’ve got your package tied to the correct QA result.

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