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WA Standalone: How to Record Plant Waste
WA Standalone: How to Record Plant Waste

Learn the methods of recording waste before it's time to harvest in the GrowFlow Wholesale platform

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a year ago

There are two instances where waste could be recorded before harvest: 

1. Collecting Daily Plant Waste: Non-useable material is generated from daily pruning and handling such as waste from leaves swept off the floor.

2. Destroying Plants: Plants don't make the cut throughout the growth stages

In this article, we'll describe how and where to record the waste for each instance as well as their final destruction.

Collect Daily Plant Waste

1. From the Grow Overview, click Collect atop the Flower column

In the Collect window:

2. Select the Room in which the waste will be stored until the final destruction

3. Enter the weight of the collected waste

4. Optional: Enter an explanation

5. Click Submit

Once submitted, the recorded waste weight will live in your Grow Waste Log. Jump to Final Destruction to learn how to dispose of the waste from your account once it's disposed of at your facility.

Destroying Plants

Schedule single plants for destruction from either the Veg or Flower stages as well as Clones or Seedling batches.

Note: Before taking this step, record the weight of these single plants, then enter the combined weights using Collect as shown in the above instance.

1. From the Grow Overview, click on the applicable strain name in the Clones, Seeds, Veg, or Flower column to open the strain's plant list.

2. Select the Plant(s) to destroy

3. Click Destroy Selected

4. Select a reason for destroying the Plant(s)

5. Select a Room in which the Plant(s) will be stored in before final destruction

6. Optional: Enter an explanation

7. Click Destroy (#) Plants

Tip: This can also be done via Grow > Plants by locating and selecting the Plant(s) in the Plants tab or Clones or Seeds in the Clones and Seeds tab, then clicking Destroy.

Final Destruction

Once the waste has been recorded and scheduled for destruction it will live in your Grow Waste Log. You can access your Waste Log from the Grow Overview by clicking Waste atop the Bulk Inv. column:

Or from the Plants Overview by clicking Waste:

Within your Waste Log:
1. Select the recorded waste or Plants

2. You still have the option to undo the waste by clicking Undo Destroy. This will undo the collection record or return the Plants to their previous active stage.

3. Click Dispose Selected once you have disposed of the waste or Plants from your facility

Important! Once Dispose Selected is clicked, the waste and plants cannot be undone or returned to your account.

Video Walkthrough

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