Wholesale: Login Overview

How to login to your GrowFlow Wholesale Account

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to GrowFlow Wholesale!

GrowFlow is founded on the principle that just because traceability and compliance are mandatory, they shouldn’t slow down your business. We made GrowFlow simple to use, and not only will we help you with all your traceability and state reporting, but we will also help streamline your sales process so you can sell more products, and focus on growing other parts of your business!

The first thing to do is to log in. Let’s walk through this quick process.

Tip: Bookmark this link!

2. Select your state

3. Click Login

4. Enter the email that you used to sign up for GrowFlow, or was sent the invitation to

5. Enter your password

Note: If you forgot your GrowFlow password or are having trouble logging in, click Don't remember your password? to receive a Password Reset email. See Reset Your Password.

6. Click the Login button


Select the options to sign in with your Google or Microsoft account as your GrowFlow login.

Note: If using your Google or Microsoft logins for GrowFlow, the password will be controlled by Google or Microsoft. If a password reset is needed, you will need to reset it via Google or Microsoft.

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