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Retail: Transfers

This article is an overview of the Transfers page found in GrowFlow Retail

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

The Transfers page in the GrowFlow Retail POS is a central component of a dispensary operation. From the Transfers page, users can ingest package transfers from state traceability systems like Metrc and BioTrack. When using one of these systems GrowFlow will sync the transfers directly from the user's state traceability account.

In Metrc states, Transfers will sync with GrowFlow when the transfer is set to Received in Metrc.

In BioTrack states, once a transfer enters the account, it should remain unreceived until it syncs into GrowFlow. Once it is accepted in GrowFlow, we will mark the transfer received in BioTrack. If a transfer is accepted in BioTrack first, the packages within will be available in GrowFlow via the Import Tool.

For CCRS, transfers will sync into the Transfers page after the transfer is placed in transit by the supplier. The transfer must remain in transit until the transfer has been accepted into GrowFlow. If you are encountering an error when attempting to ingest a transfer in WA, please make sure that the supplier has not marked the Transfer complete prior to it being accepted in GrowFlow.

Regardless of the state in which you operate, the Transfers page needs to be synced within GrowFlow manually. This process does not occur with automation. Please remember to use the sync button in the top right of the page to sync your transfers into GrowFlow.

Quick Filters

At the top of the Transfers page, there will be several buttons that can be used to filter your transfers.

1. Incoming - This option will filter the transfers page to only display Incoming transfers.

2. Outgoing - This option will filter the transfers page to only display Outgoing transfers.

3. Pending - This option will filter the transfers page to only display Pending transfers.

4. Accepted - This option will filter the transfers page to only display Accepted transfers.

5. Voided - This option will filter the transfers page to only display Voided transfers.

6. Supplier - Use the Supplier dropdown menu to select a supplier. This will filter the transfers page based on the supplier selected.

7. Additional Filter Options - Enable the Additional Filters icon to see new filtering options.

Open the dropdown menu, select a filter, and add it to the transfers page. Use the Add Filter button to add additional filters.

Transfer Details Panel

Upon selecting a transfer from the list a Transfer Details panel will open on the right of the screen. This will display details about the transfer including: Created at Date, Received at Date, Transfer ID, Last Synced At Date, Transfer Type, From Name, From License Number, Marijuana Transfer, Supplier, Total Packages, and Total Cost.

If you require assistance with a transfer, please provide the Transfer ID to support when you reach out.

Transfers that are syncing in from Metrc will always in into GrowFlow with the 'Accepted' status because the transfer is first 'Received' in the Metrc account before it syncs to GrowFlow.

The Details Panel also shows you the packages that are on the transfer before opening the transfer details. Packages that are 'Pending' still need to be accepted and activated from the Transfer Details page.

Transfer Details Page

Open the Transfer Details page by clicking the 'Details' button at the top right of the Transfer Details panel. This will open the Transfer Details page where you will accept and activate the packages in your transfer.

At the top of the Transfer Details page, you will find some details on where the transfer is from, where it was sent to, and the Transfer ID.

To complete a transfer, review each package entry for accuracy and ensure that the product, quantity, and cost are entered correctly. Once that is complete for each package in the transfer, the option to Save Packages or Accept and Activate will appear. Click that button to activate the packages on the transfer in GrowFlow.

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