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MI Metrc: Creating Infused Products
MI Metrc: Creating Infused Products

How to create Infused Products in GrowFlow Wholesale as a Michigan Manufacturer

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a week ago

The following traceability types are available for creating infused products in Michigan:

  • Infused Liquid

  • Infused Liquid (Each)

  • Infused Non-Edible Liquid

  • Infused Non-Edible Solid

  • Infused Edible

When creating infused products, in addition to the standard product details, Metrc requires the following three fields to be inputted:

  • Brand

    • Must be a Metrc-connected Brand, rather than a brand created in GrowFlow

  • Unit THC Content

  • Unit THC Content Dose

Metrc-Connected Brands

Create a Brand in Metrc:

1. In Metrc, head to Admin > Item Brands

2. Click Add Item Brands

3. Name the Brand

4. Finish by clicking Create Item Brands

Once the Brand is created in Metrc, run an Item Brands sync in GrowFlow:

1. Head to Admin > Syncs

2. Click on the Item Brands Sync category to run the sync

When the sync is completed, your Metrc Item Brands will populate in GrowFlow via Admin > Products > Brands. Brands synced in from Metrc will appear with a checkmark in the Metrc-Connected column.

Note: Brands created directly in GrowFlow do not sync to Metrc, as Metrc does not offer this functionality in their API.

Creating Infused Products

Head to Admin > Products to create an infused Product or Product Template.

When creating the Product, in addition to selecting the infused traceability type and category, and entering the product name and size, you will be required to:

1. Select a Metrc-connected Brand

  • Only Brands connected to Metrc will populate as an option to select here

2. Enter the Unit THC Content

3. Enter the Unit THC Content Dose

Once all required and optional fields are inputted, finish by clicking Create.

Creating Infused Inventory

After the Infused Products or Product Templates are created, use the Package tool on the Inventory Overview to package inventory into an infused packaged product.

1. In the Package tool, select Pre-packaged items

2. What are we making? Select the applicable infused traceability type

3. What kind? Select the Product or Product Template

Note: Click Create New Product Template if one is not already created

4. Select the strain

5. Use the search bar or filters to locate the source package(s)

6. Enter the amount to use from the source package(s)

7. Enter the total units produced of the infused product

8. Enter the waste weight, if applicable

9. Check the This product requires QA re-testing box and assign a Production Batch Name if sending for final testing

10. Select a Room

11. Required: Enter the Expiration Date

Note: The Expiration Date cannot be modified once the package has been created

12. Click Preview Convert to confirm the package details and finish

After the inventory is created, the Expiration Date can be found in the Inventory Details by clicking on the tag ID.

Tip: Include the Expiration Date on the infused product's labels using the dynamic field {{ExpirationDate}}.

  • This dynamic field is only functional for Metrc users printing labels for infused products. To include the Expiration Date on labels for products of all other traceability types, use {{BirthDate[add_days=365]}}.

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