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OK Metrc: GrowFlow Manifest Columns Explained
OK Metrc: GrowFlow Manifest Columns Explained

Defining the columns on a GrowFlow Manifest for Oklahoma Metrc-Connected users

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a year ago

Updated 08/01/2023

GrowFlow's Manifests provide the same columns as a Metrc Manifest, to align with your state-mandated traceability system. See the screenshots below for definitions of each column.

1. Production Batch No: Previously named QA Parent ID. This is the package tag ID of the batch that the sample was pulled from for testing, relating to the transferred package.

2. Source Harvest Batch No: Previously named Source Harvest. The Harvest Batch identifier in which Harvest Batch the cannabis product originated from.

3. Source Package: This is the direct Parent tag ID in which the product was packaged from.

4. Source Production Batch: This is a new field on the Metrc Manifest and has been relocated on the GrowFlow Manifest. This is the Production Batch Name of the batch that the sample was pulled from for testing, relating to the transferred package.

5. Transporter Agent License No: Previously named Employee ID of Driver.

6. Transporter Agent Signature: Previously named Signature of Person Transporting.

7. Printed Name, Title of Person Receiving or Rejecting Product: Previously named Name of Person Receiving or Rejecting Product.

Please Note: GrowFlow automatically populates these fields on the GrowFlow manifest based on your traceability data. All fields are required if applicable to the package.

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