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Metrc: Assigning Metrc Tags to Users
Metrc: Assigning Metrc Tags to Users

Assign different Metrc Tags to users in GrowFlow Wholesale to make packaging a breeze!

Jesse Osborne avatar
Written by Jesse Osborne
Updated over a week ago

Updated at 1/18/2022

If you have multiple people using Metrc Tags at the same time, it can be easy to accidentally use the wrong tag, or to use a tag twice! To keep this from happening, you can turn on the Tag Owners setting and assign specific tags to different users in your facility. This will help keep tagging mistakes to a minimum while ensuring that the team can work at the same pace as usual.

In this article, we will be going over how to activate this setting, and how to assign tags to users, as well as some other new features for the process of tagging.

Note: Only Admin users can enable tag assignments, but any user can assign tags once the feature is enabled.

Turning on the Tag Owners Setting:

First, we’ll want to turn the setting on! Note that when you turn this setting on you will need to assign tags to users before they can be used, as tags will be unusable unless assigned.

Navigate to the top-right corner of your screen and open the account menu. From the drop-down menu, select the Account Settings option.

Once you enter the Account Settings screen, scroll to the bottom of the page to view the “Use Tag Owners” checkbox! Simply check this and update your Grow Flow account.

Nice work! Now the Tag Owners setting is enabled.

Tag Tool Overview:

Now that you have the Tag Owners setting enabled on your account, you can start Assigning tags to different users! First, let’s take a look at the tag tool itself. To do this you’ll want to head to your Inventory Overview page.

Here, you can click on the “Tags” button to bring up the Tag Tool.

In the Tag Tool, there will be several new features!

  1. Search: Here you can search for Users or Tag numbers.

  2. Filter by Tag Range: You can use this filter to select a tag range to display. This can be used to assign a specific tag range to a user or to view certain tags that are unassigned.

  3. Filter by Owner: This filter allows you to view the tags assigned to a specific user, or multiple users at once.

  4. Plants: This tab displays your assigned, unassigned, and used plant tags.

  5. Packages: This tab displays your assigned, unassigned, and used package tags.

  6. Upload: This tab allows you to upload your Metrc tags from Metrc. For further assistance with this, you can click here for our Metrc Tag article!

  7. Assigned: This tab displays the plant or package tags that are actively assigned to users.

  8. Unassigned: This tab displays the plant or package tags that are currently waiting to be assigned to users.

  9. Used and voided: These tabs will display the used or voided tags in your system.

Assigning Tags to Users:

Now that we know how to navigate the Tag Tool we can start assigning available tags to your users!

Click the checkmarks next to the tag numbers to select them for assigning. A good way to assign many tags to one user without clicking every checkbox is to use the Filter by Tag Range to select the range of tags that will be assigned to a user. Then you can click the top-most checkbox to select all tags within this range.

After you’ve selected the tags you would like to assign to a specific user click the “Edit Owner” button to choose a user!

Once you click the Edit Owner button you will be able to view the Select from GrowFlow Users drop-down list. You can select the user you want to be assigned these tags from the drop-down menu that appears! You can also type in the name of the user to search for a specific person.

  • Note: Select “---Clear Name—-” to unassign these tags from their current user. Select “No Change” if you would like to exit the tool with no changes to the selected tags.

After you have selected the tags to be assigned and who they are assigned to, that user is good to get to tagging!

You can view who is assigned to which tags by searching by the user’s name or filtering by the owner on the Tag Tool here.

Now your tags are assigned and you’re ready to go! Nice work.

Confirm Tags when Packaging:

Another new feature that has been introduced for Metrc Tags is the “Confirm Tags” window!

This window will appear anytime a user is actively packaging a product, whether it’s for an order or while converting packages to new products on the inventory page. This helps ensure that the user is assigning the correct tags to specific products.

Additionally, if a user does not have enough tags to complete a packaging task, they will receive an error message, instead of only partially packaging the products, and must be assigned enough tags to finish the task.

  • Note: Metrc does not have any concept of tag assignments, so we should not expect any assignments to be preserved if we attempt tagging directly within Metrc. As always, a tag sync should be performed prior to continuing any tagging within GrowFlow, so the used tags can be updated appropriately.

  • Note: Metrc also does not accept “voided” tag updates from GrowFlow. Voiding tags in GrowFlow will not void them in Metrc, this must be done directly in their UI and then re-synced to GrowFlow.

Now you have the power of tags! Nice work, team.

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