Updated 02/17/2023
Metrc does not currently have a way for us to report your destroyed plant batches through the API, so you must upload a file to your Metrc account to report the destructions after they have been disposed of. To make this easier for you, we have created a workflow where you can record plant batch waste in GrowFlow and then export a CSV file to upload to Metrc. Here's how!
In GrowFlow
1. To destroy a plant batch, click on any plant batch on the Grow Overview
2. Select the Destroy Selected button to destroy the plants you’d like to destroy
3. In the Destroy # Items window:
A. Required: Select a reason for the destruction from the drop-down
B. Optional: Select a waste method
Note: If a waste method is selected, option to also enter a waste method mix
C. Optional: Select the room to move the plants into
D. Required: Enter an explanation of the destruction
E. Optional: Adjust the Destroy Qty if needed
F. Required: Enter the weight of the waste for each plant batch
G. You will see the weight of each entry retroactively total in this field
H. Click Destroy # Plants
Final Destruction
Proceed with caution! Once the waste is disposed of from your Waste Log, it cannot be resurrected.
4. To collect the waste amount of the plant batches that were destroyed, click on the Waste button atop the Bulk Inv. column
5. For final destruction, select the plant batch you just destroyed, then click Dispose Selected
Note: If needed, use the filters or the search bar to locate the plant batch
Note: Click Undo Destroy to return the plant batch to your active plant list
6. In the Grow Waste window:
A. Select a Disposal Method
B. Enter the Material Mix
C. Enter the Waste Weight
D. Click Dispose
7. You will see a confirmation message at the top right of the screen reading Successfully Disposed of Disposals
8. Go to the Dashboard in the top navigation then click on the Reports tab. Once you’re on the Reports page, go to the Changes tab, then click the Plant Batch Waste tab.
9. You will see a new report with the record for the plant batch waste that you just destroyed. To export only the records that you haven’t reported yet, you can use the date filter to only show the records on those dates that you haven’t reported. Click the Export button to generate a CSV download of the records.
10. You will see the records you created, which you’ll use to report in Metrc in the exported format in their Plant batch waste disposal section.
In Metrc
11. Login to your Metrc account
12. Navigate to the Plants tab, then to the Plants Waste tab
13. Click the import button to import the CSV file that you downloaded from GrowFlow
14. The data import screen will show up. Navigate to the Immature Plants Waste tab to import the CSV file. You’ll see an example of the CSV columns, which are already formatted correctly from the GrowFlow CSV export. Click ⬆ to upload the file.
You’re done reporting your plant batch waste!