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Wholesale: Auto-Suggest Product Templates
Wholesale: Auto-Suggest Product Templates

Use Product Templates to auto-suggest missing Products when creating new Products in GrowFlow Wholesale

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over 2 years ago

Updated 09/13/2022

In this article, we will cover how to use Product Templates to auto-suggest missing products when creating new products.

When setting up Packaged Product Templates properly, with a Bulk Source Template assigned, GrowFlow will automatically suggest new products that are also available for creation when converting/packaging.

The new products will be automatically listed as available for Pre-Orders and also as products in your Live Marketplace store, saving you time from having to create new products manually.

How it Works

1. Make sure your Packaged Product Templates are set up correctly with a sourced bulk product template via Admin > Products > Templates.

  • A Sourced Template Product can be assigned when creating or editing a Packaged Product Template.

2. On the Inventory Overview, begin by clicking the Convert or Package button to start creating a new bulk product.

3. In this example, we’re creating a new Bulk Product with a new Strain. This means it’s not a product that’s been created before.

  • Select Bulk Inventory

  • What are we making? Select the applicable Traceability Type

  • Select the applicable Bulk Product Template

  • Click Create New Strain

4. Enter the Strain name and click Create

5. Once the new strain is created, you’ll see a success message in the top right-hand corner showing “New strain has been created!” and the strain name will appear in the strain field.

6. Enter the quantity to use to create the Bulk Product. Towards the bottom, the amounts will automatically update based on the source amount used to create the bulk products.

7. When you’re done, click on the Preview Convert button to view the new bulk products that were created.

8. Click Confirm to review and confirm the creation of the Bulk Inventory.

  • Option to click Back To Convert if adding or removing amounts to create additional bulk products or remove products is needed.

Here’s where the magic happens!

9. With the auto-suggest products feature, GrowFlow will detect any packages that use the same source template and suggest those same products with the new strain.

In the background, the source template is linking with the bulk product and is recognizing that you’ll likely be creating the same products as the other strains you already carry, but with the new strain. It then automatically creates them for you here if you opt to do so. Doing so automatically adds them to your Live Marketplace store and as an option when creating Pre-Orders.

You can choose to skip this step if you do not need additional products and only want the bulk product you created. If you plan to sell the products in the future, however, it is recommended to create the products now to save yourself time and effort from having to manually create them in the future since this will save you a lot of time!

  • Note: This shortcut does not create Inventory of the suggested products, but it does create the product, which will be available in your Product Catalog.

10. You will see your new bulk product on the Inventory Overview

11. You will also see the new auto-suggested products in your product catalog, as well as the Bulk Product. By using this new feature, you’ve saved yourself time from having to create two new products manually!

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