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Wholesale: Destroy Inventory

How to destroy inventory, reverse a disposal, or permanently dispose of items from the Waste Log in GrowFlow Wholesale

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a week ago

If you are in Oklahoma and need to create MMJ Waste, please see Metrc: How to Package MMJ Waste for steps on packaging MMJ Waste. Disposed inventory cannot be packaged into MMJ Waste.

There are 3 parts to destroying inventory:

1. Destroy: Reversible - Scheduling inventory for destruction by placing them into the Waste Log.

2. Undo Destroy: Retrieving inventory from the Waste Log and placing them back into Inventory.

3. Final Disposal: Permanent - Disposing of inventory in your Waste Log. The garbage truck has left the building. No chance of getting it back!

Destroy Inventory

Head to the Inventory Overview to schedule inventory for destruction.

1. On the Inventory Overview, locate and select the inventory you are fully or partially destroying using the checkboxes on the right

2. Click Destroy from the action bar on the right. This will open the Destroy # Items window:

3. Select a reason for destroying from the drop-down

Note: Destroy reasons vary depending on your jurisdiction.

4. (Optional) Move into a Room such as a designated waste area in your facility

5. Enter a detailed explanation

6. Click Destroy # Items

7. This will move the selected items into the Inventory Waste Log.

When the items have been permanently disposed of at your facility, see the steps in the Final Disposal section of this article to promptly dispose of these items from your Waste Log in GrowFlow.

Important: Inventory in the Waste Log is only scheduled for destruction and not yet disposed of or reported to traceability, such as CCRS or Metrc. Final disposal must be taken in GrowFlow to permanently remove the items from your account and Waste Log, and to report as Waste to traceability.

Undo Destroy

Any items still in the Waste Log can be retrieved if needed.

1. On the Inventory Overview, click the Waste button to view disposable inventory. The yellow number indicates how many items are currently in the waste bin.

2. Select any items that should be undone and moved back into active inventory, then click Undo Destroy in the top left. This action will move the items back to their original Room.

Final Disposal

Head to your Inventory Waste Log to permanently dispose of inventory items that are scheduled for destruction. Once this step is taken, the inventory will be reported as Waste to traceability, such as CCRS or Metrc.

Final Disposal is permanent!

Proceed with caution. Items cannot be brought back once this step is completed in GrowFlow.

1. Click the Waste button from the Inventory Overview

2. Carefully locate and select the items to dispose of in the Inventory Waste window

Note: Double-check the number showing for Check Records to confirm you have only selected the items that should be permanently disposed of.

3. Click the blue Destroy Selected Items button

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