Updated 11/9/2020
In certain situations, you will need to cure your fresh cannabis out of a package as opposed to out of a harvest batch. This may occur when transferring fresh cannabis to your own or a client's processing license, or when you are onboarding onto Metrc for the first time. When doing so, you will need to cure your packages to account for trimmed flower, leaf, waste, and moisture loss.
1. Head to your Inventory Overview
2. Locate and select the package(s) needed to cure
3. Click Other > Cure Wet Flower
In the Cure Drying Plants window:
4. Enter the weights in grams accordingly
Flower: The total amount of dried, trimmed Flower cured from the Harvest
Other: The total amount of Shake & Trim cured from the Harvest
Waste: The total amount of waste created during the drying and trimming process
5. Confirm the next tag to use
Note: This will automatically populate. Click on the tag number to choose the desired tag if not already specified.
6. Click Cure # Item
Your cured packages will now be visible on the Inventory screen. Your waste will be reported and the remaining wet weight will be cleared out automatically as moisture loss.