Updated 03/24/2022
Sniff Jars are handled a bit differently and must not be tagged as vendor or educational samples!
A. Head to Admin > Products > Templates and click "+Add New Templates"
Note: Using a Product Template will make this product available for any strain of Flower Lot in the future. If you prefer, you can create a strain-specific product.
B. In the Template Creator:
Traceability Type: Sample Jar / 'Sniff' Jar
"Use Category" to name the product
Enter the size
Note: Max Weight = 3.5g
Optional: Click "Add Size" if you are creating multiple sized jars
Finish by clicking "Create Product Template"
C. With the Sniff Jar Product Template(s) now created - we can add Sniff Jars to any Retail order from Flower Lots, just like any other product. Let's take a look!
When adding items to an order, locate the Flower Lot(s)
Click the "+" sign in the "Products" column on the Flower Lots line item
Locate the Sniff Jar Product Template
Enter the Quantity
Preview > Confirm Order and proceed with the order process as usual!
Note: This is not considered a sample. Do not flag as a vendor or educational sample!