Updated 03/24/2022
The recommended GrowFlow way of creating Vendor Samples is to select the Product or Product Template from your Intermediate Lot directly from adding items to an order. However, if you are hell-bent on pre-packing vendor samples, read on!
A. Head to your Inventory Overview and click "Convert"
B. In the Convert Inventory dialogue:
Select Pre-packaged items
What are we making? Select the applicable Category
What kind? Select the applicable Product Template or Product
Option to click "Create New Product Template" if an applicable product does not currently exist
Note: WA Maximum Vendor Sample size is 8g
Select the strain
Enter the total units of Vendor Samples you are pre-packaging
Use the search bar or the Filter tools to locate the Parent Inventory
Keep "Product does not require additional QA testing" checked to inherit the QA results.
Enter the amount you are using from the Parent
Finish by clicking "Preview Convert" to preview and confirm the conversion
C. Once you've finished the conversion, you will see a success message as well as the newly created inventory, along with its Parent on the Inventory Overview.
D. You can add these items to a Retail order, just as you would any other item.
Note: If the Product or Product Template that was used during the conversion process was already designated as a Vendor Sample, the Sample checkbox will be auto-checked. Double-check this box, as it will not be auto-checked if the product was not already designated as such and may need manual checking when adding samples to an order.
E. Proceed with your order as usual!