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Metrc: How to Adjust a Package

How to adjust the quantity of a package in GrowFlow Wholesale and in Metrc

Madie avatar
Written by Madie
Updated over a week ago

Updated: 08/17/22

Adjusting in GrowFlow

1. Navigate to the Inventory Overview

2. Locate the Package you wish to adjust and click Edit > Adjust

  • Note: You can use the search bar to look for the specific Metric ID.

3. Enter the new quantities for the package

A. Select a Reason for the adjustment from the drop-down

B. Enter an explanation for the adjustment, if one is not auto-populated

C. Adjust the Child package that was selected down to the desired quantity

D. This will automatically update the Parent Package.

  • Note: If the update to the Parent Package is not necessary at this time, deselect the checkbox on its line item.

E. Click Confirm once you have verified the adjustments.

Adjusting in Metrc

1. Log in to Metrc

2. Click on the Packages tab

3. Click on the Active tab to locate the Package

  • Note: Click on the vertical ellipses to filter by Tag number

4. Once the Package is located, click on it and then click Adjust after it is highlighted

5. Enter the quantity you are adjusting by

A. Select the reason for the adjustment.

  • Optional: You can also enter a note.

B. Enter the number of grams or units of measure you are adjusting by. If adjusting down, add a subtract sign before the number

  • Note: If you are adjusting up, no symbol is needed

C. Click Adjust Packages

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