Updated 7/18/2022
We recommend the following workaround regarding the manifest template issue in Metrc. We'll let you know once we learn it's been fixed by the Metrc team.
1. Build your order in GrowFlow as you would normally do, right up to and including the entry of delivery information
2. Let the order remain in the Need To Sync to METRC stage of the Order Overview in your GrowFlow account
3. Go into Metrc > Packages > Active
A. Select all the packages listed in the GrowFlow order's New ID# column of the Pull Sheet
B. Click the New Transfer button and enter the information for your transfer
C. If you're including prices, be sure to select Wholesale Transfer as the type in the top right field and enter the prices for each package
4. After you register the completed manifest in Metrc, go to the Admin > Sync page in GrowFlow and click on the sync called Inventory Transfer Sync
Note: Do this step before the transfer is accepted by the receiving party so your order will update correctly.
5. The above step will progress the order in GrowFlow to the In Transit stage